Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011


what is mean by the atom. molecules and ions ???

Atom is a basic unit of matter, which consists of atomic nuclei and negatively charged electron cloud that surrounds it. The nucleus consists of positively charged protons, and neutrons are electrically neutral (except hydrogen-1 nucleus, which has no neutrons). The electrons in an atom bound to the nucleus by electromagnetic force. As well as a set of atoms can bind to each other, and form a molecule. Atom that contain the number of protons and electrons the same neutral, while containing a number of different protons and electrons are positive or negative and is referred to as ions. Atoms are grouped based on the number of protons and neutrons contained in the nucleus. The number of protons in an atom determines the chemical element the atom, and the number of neutrons determines the isotope of the element.

Though the word atom originally meant a particle that can not be cut again into smaller particles, in the terminology of modern science, atoms are composed of various subatomic particles. Constituent particles of atoms are electrons, protons, and neutrons. However, hydrogen-1 has no neutrons. Similarly, the positive hydrogen ions H +.

Atom has no clear outer boundaries, so that the dimensions of atoms is usually described as the distance between two atoms when two atomic nuclei join together in chemical bonds. The radius will vary depending on the type of atom, the type of bonding is involved, the number of atoms in the vicinity, and the atomic spin. [60] On the periodic table of elements, the radius of the atom will tend to increase with increasing periods (top to bottom) . Instead atomic radius will tend to increase with decreasing group numbers (right to left). [61] Therefore, the smallest atom is helium with a radius of 32 pm, when the largest is the cesium with radius 225 pm. [62] these dimensions are thousands of times smaller than the waves of light (400-700 nm), so that atoms can not be seen using a microscope ...


The molecule is defined as a group of atoms (at least two) which bind to each other very strongly (covalently) in a specific arrangement of charged and neutral and fairly stable. According to this definition, different molecules with polyatomic ions. In organic chemistry and biochemistry, the term molecule is used in a less rigid, so that the organic molecules and biomolecules including uncharged molecules were considered.

In the kinetic theory of gases the term molecule is often used to refer to any gas particles without relying on its composition. According to this definition, a noble gas atoms are considered as molecules although these gases consist of a single atom is not bonded.

A molecule may consist of atoms berunsur same (eg oxygen O2), or composed of different elements (eg water H2O). Atoms and complexes connected by non-covalent (eg, bound by hydrogen bonds and ionic bonds) are generally not considered as a single molecule.


 Ions are atoms or a set of electrically charged atoms. Negatively charged ions, which capture one or more electrons, called anions, because he was attracted to the anode. Positively charged ions, which lost one or more electrons, called cations, because they are attracted to the cathode. Ion formation process is called ionization. Atoms or groups of atoms are ionized tikatas marked with n + or n-, where n is the number of electrons lost or gained..

Ion solution is a solution containing ions which can move freely so that it can conduct electricity. 

4 komentar:

  1. spektrum warna yang tidak dipantulkan akan diserap oleh atom atau molekul penyusun benda tersebut. Sebagai contoh, jika disinari dengan sinar berwarna putih, daun akan memantulkan spektrum warna hijau menyerap cahaya selain spektrum warna hijau tersebut sehingga daun terlihat berwarna hijau.
    nah yang ingin saya tanyakan mengapa suatu atom atau molekul menyerap cahaya tertentu?

  2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  3. ok, I'll try to answer

    why an atom or molecule absorbs certain light? because absorption occurs only if the incident photon energy matches the energy required to move one outermost electron atom or molecule from ground level to excited levels (or from the valence band to the conduction band in the substance solid). So the absorption spectrum of colors by the constituent atoms or molecules of an object that causes these objects reflect a certain color only. The spectrum of colors that are not absorbed, it would be reflected. And this is reflected color spectrum visible to the eye, and make a colored object.

  4. oh, so the spectrum of colors that are not absorbed, will be reflected. And this is reflected color spectrum visible to the eye, and make a colored object.
    Yaya I understand now
    ok thanks for the answer, tiara :)
