Senin, 12 November 2012


1. a.  explain how the concept of organic compounds from petroleum can be used for vehicles such as car, motor bike, including aircraft
b. explain it how the idea of chemical compounds from petroleumcan be used to make clothing and plastic and material needs of other human lives
Answer : 
a. Organic compounds from petroleum can be used for vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, including aircraft
Petroleum, along with oil and coal, are classified as fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are formed when sea plants and animals die, and still be buried under several thousand feet of mud, sand or mud. Fossil fuels take millions of years to form oil and therefore is also considered a non-renewable energy sources.

Formed by the hydrocarbon oil (hydrocarbon is a compound composed of carbon and hydrogen) with the addition of certain other substances, especially sulfur. The oil in its natural form when first collected usually called crude oil, and can be clear, green or black and can be as thin or thick as tar gasoline.
Crude oil or commonly called crude oil is viscous black liquid and smelled dreadful, which in addition to containing impurities, it also contains minerals that dissolve in water.

These oils can not be used for fuel or other necessities, but must go through processing first. Crude oil contains about 500 types of hydrocarbons with the number of carbon atoms 1-50. In principle, petroleum processing is done in two steps, namely desalting and distillation.

A. Desalting
Desalting process is a process of salt removal is done by mixing oil with water, the goal is to dissolve the mineral substances that dissolve in water. In this process also added acids and bases in order to eliminate compounds other than hydrocarbons. After going through the desalting process, then the next oil will undergo the process of distillation.

B. Distillation
Crude oil that has gone through the process of desalting then processed further by distillation rise, which means the separation of a mixture based on differences in boiling point. Fractions obtained from the distillation process is stratified hydrocarbon mixture boiling on the interval (range) a certain temperature.

Parliamentary faction obtained after the distillation process further processed further by the reforming, polymerization, treating, and blending.
1. Reforming Reforming is a way of changing forms, from straight to branched chain. This process is used to improve the quality of gasoline.
2. Polymerization Polymerization is a way of merging monomer (molekulmolekul simple) molecules become more complex.
3. Treating Treating is the process of removal of dirt on petroleum.
4. Blending Blending is the process of adding additives.
b. Of hydrocarbon material that can be used for clothing is PTA (purified terephthalic acid), which is made of para-xylene in which the material is essentially kerosene (kerosene). Of kerosene is all the material formed into compound Aromat, the para-xylene. Chemical formula you know? The form compounds benzene (C6H6), but there are two methyl groups at C1 and C3 atoms of the benzene molecule.
Para-xylene is then oxidized using air into the PTA (see map above petrochemical processes). PTA shaped like detergent powder is then reacted with methanol into polyester fibers. Fiber poly ester which is the synthetic yarn that looks like a thread. Almost all uniforms brothers use may be made of polyester. To facilitate their identification can be seen from the price. Price clothing made ​​of synthetic polyester yarns are usually relatively cheaper than clothing made from raw cotton, silk or other natural fibers.
Subtlety material made from polyester fibers affected by additive substances (additives) in the process of making yarn (PTA when reacting with methanol). One PTA producers in Indonesia is Pertamina Processing Unit III with the product type and designation here.
Materials everyday life are derived from hydrocarbons in general the form of plastic. Plastic base material similar to LPG, which is a polymer of propylene, are compounds olefin / alkenes of carbon chains C3. Plastic pipes are much diguakan today is PVC (polyvinyl Clorida) and PE (polythene or called polyethylene). Both dihasilkanj synthetically in the industry. Both PVC and PE resistant to heat and not easy to crack because the units constituent molecules strongly intertwined. Of plastic material is then finished an assortment of products ranging from roofs (plastic tiles), furniture, interior equipment, bumper cars, tables, chairs, dishes, etc..

2. Explain why the hydrocarbons that are asymmetrical or chiral have a variety of benefit for human being, and describe how does it the chiral can be formed
Answer : Amino acids in the form of ions is called zwitter ion is amphoteric(can be acid or alkaline). All amino acids except glycine, have an asymmetric C atom or chiral C atom, the C atom that binds to fourdifferent groups (group-H,-COOH,-NH2, and-R). Therefore, all the amino acids (except glycine) are optically active. That is, the compound can rotate the plane of polarization of light.
When chiral molecules (molecules that have a plane of symmetry)reflected, reflection can get just by turning the initial molecule andproduce two identical moleculesBecause he was able to bind to four different atoms bonded, because the atoms are bonded differences that can be dragged other atoms until she has many benefits for humans.

3. When ethylene gas produced from a ripe fruit can be used to ripe other fruits that are still unripe. How do you idea when the gas is used as fuel gas like methane gas
Answer : Ethylene is a plant hormone first in the form of gas. If the fruit is ripe oranges combined with bananas, ripe bananas are faster because oranges emit ethylene gas.
Ethylene is a plant and cause more rapid maturation in many fruits, including bananas. Ethylene formation requires O2 and is inhibited by CO2. All parts of the plant can produce ethylene gas angiosperms. Formation mainly occurs in roots, shoot apical meristem, mode, fall flowers and ripe fruit.
Ethylene gas has an influence on growth and development, including the following.1) Ripening fruit. The traders often store the fruit in containers gassed with CO2 at the time of delivery so that the fruit longer to mature and ripen after destination. Sometimes merchants brood ripe fruit with fresh fruit that mature quickly.2) Gas ethylene inhibits flowering in many plants. However, in some plant species, ethylene stimulates flowering. For example, the mango trees and pineapples.3) Stimulate abscission (defoliation).4) Joint gibberellin determine the expression of the genital organs of plants, such as the cucumber.
What is Calcium Carbide (Carbide)?Calcium carbide or carbide is a chemical compound with chemical formula CaC2. Carbide is used in carbide welding process and also to accelerate the maturation of the fruit.Equation for Calcium Carbide with water isCaC2 + 2 H2O → C2H2 + Ca (OH) 2

4. Aromatic compounds are marked by ease of adjacent electrons conjugated. Please explain why an unsaturated compound which highly conjugated but is not aromatic
Answer : In order to be aromatic, all pi electrons must be paired, so it is possible overlapping (overlapping) optimal resulting in delocalization perfect. If siklooktatetraena flat and has a system similar to pi pi system of benzene, the orbital π1, π2, and π3 will be filled with six pi electrons pi.Dua remaining electrons will each occupy degenerate orbitals and π5 π4 (Hund's rule). Then not all the pi electrons will pair up and will not overlap maksimal.Jadi sikooktatetraena will not be aromatic.

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